7-Day Options Course: Your FREE Beginners Guide to Options

As a member of my community you also get access to a free options course. The videos below will give you a big picture overview of the five strategies. I'll send you an email overview of the videos so don't worry about consuming the training all at once.

Video 1: A 39% return and little fear of losing money...


Video 2: A 152% return while Apple fell in price...


Video 3: The 10-10-10 trading strategy that produced 39% average returns...


Video 4: Weird trick creates risk-free option trades...


Video 5: Safe monthly income in any market (plus growth)...


Video 6: How to earn 5% a month even if your stock falls...


For over 15 years I've been sharing simple but powerful strategies that help investors make and keep more of their money.

If you'd like direction for your investments that will work today, tomorrow and fifteen years from now, check out the program below.

MarketClub Options is a What, Why, and How to program.

MarketClub is a stock trading software software that tells you exactly when to buy and sell stocks, futures, Forex, and ETF’s.

The software doesn't predict exact tops and bottoms (nothing does), but the accuracy allowed us to earn enough profit to pay off a mortgage (your results may vary).

I recently partnered with MarketClub and they agreed to host my training on their platform.

You get to peek over my shoulder as I trade, you get the option basics course, and you'll also learn the step-by-step process of 'buying' Call & Put options.

This course does NOT teach option selling or the Buffett Strategy. MarketClub and I wanted to keep the cost low so more people could afford the program. MarketClub hosts the training and handles all of the membership logistics.

It's currently a few hundred dollars for the training + a subscription fee for their trading software.

I create all of the training and am the lead coach, so you get one-on-one support from me inside of the member's area.

MarketClub + Options trading is a powerful combination that helped me earn 211% return on my invested cash in one year! And we recorded the whole thing for proof.

Full details are HERE.